
Few changes for TPS

TPS Turku enter the F-Liiga season with few changes in the roster. Kaisa Pietilä and Jasmin Saario are back with the team as one or two of last year’s players may be out.

“It is absolutely good for us to have the squad largely unchanged”, new head coach Antti Hänninen says. “The atmosphere of the team is excellent with a competitive culture and we aim high. Our roster is not that large but our juniors have been filling in at practice. A tight group of players is going to work well for the cohesion of the team. We are building a strong second line to support the first and that will give certain players an opportunity to take a bigger role.”

TPS preseason games this far:

Classic-TPS 7-4
KaPa-65 – TPS 3-4
TPS-LoSB 8-1
TPS – Koovee 3-4

TPS roster for F-Liiga 2020-2021:


Noora Vuorela
Lina Hurme


Saara Suomela
Karla Kosola
Diana Klavan
Tiina Hoikkala “A”
Emilia Troberg
Emmi Pahikkala
Joanna Kaasalainen
Kaisa Pietilä
Laura Rantanen “C”
Vivian Aho
Pauliina Ääri
Milla Nordlund
Iina Siirilä
Olivia Välimäki
Jasmin Saario
Anni Lehto
Noora Rantanen
Sofia Leino

Juniors training with the team:

Nella Saarikko
Noora Laine
Aino Järvinen
Kiia Suojanen


Antti Hänninen Head coach
Lauri Nivalinna Coach
Hannu Rantanen Coach
Jouni Hämäläinen Coach
Teemu Kovasiipi Video Coach
Esa Pukero Team leader
Jari Jalavikko Equipment Manager
Piia Kaasalainen Equipment Manager
Henni Kaunela Equipment Manager

Photo: Anssi Koskinen