
Representatives of media are warmly welcome at F-liiga games. No accreditation needed –  just present your press card at entry.

In case you have no press card or if you need help with arranging interviews or getting other information – do not hesitate to contact our Head of media Ilari Isotalo.

Media contacts:

F-Liiga Head of media Ilari Isotalo +358 44 2599 009, ilari.isotalo[at]

F-Liiga Chief Executive Officer Kimmo Nurminen, +358 45 276 0168, kimmo.nurminen[at]

F-Liiga Sales manager Mikko Aikko, +358 40 0529025, mikko-aikko[at]

Free photo galleries for media:

F-liiga keeps providing free photo galleries for media. You are welcome to use photos from Salibandyliitto galleries for journalistic purposes as long as you remember to credit the photo to the appropriate photographer.

Enter the photo galleries here: Flickr